How Highly Effective Leaders Utilize Interns When Building Teams

Abram Moore
3 min readApr 5, 2022

Great leaders know what it takes to build a team from scratch and what it takes to build Trust amongst inherited team members from previous leadership. They take the time to learn about these legacy team members and have an aptitude for understanding personalities and how they will interweave together.

Great leaders understand that they are incapable of accomplishing anything significant by themselves. As the saying goes,

“If you want to travel fast, go alone; if you want to travel far, go together.”

Great leaders understand the skills and assets required to make any journey. They can identify times when a generalist is needed and other times when specialists are required. They know how to build functional and cohesive teams that trusts one another. Trust amongst team members goes incredibly far, and I would even say that it’s impossible to have an efficient team without a bit of faith.

Leading by faith isn’t free

In professional situations, great leaders are aware of the financial sacrifices it might take to bring on qualified people. They are willing to pay premiums to ensure the right talent is acquired to bring the vision to life. It is naive to have big dreams and think you can accomplish them with inexperienced people. Sure, you…



Abram Moore

Tech and Media Creative — a purpose-driven entrepreneur who shares thoughts and insights on personal and business development and how to balance the two.